P6 Layouts and Spreadsheet Import

P6 Layouts and Spreadsheet Import

Turbo Chart Data Fields 

This article assumes the following User Defined Fields have been created within P6 for Turbo Chart Data 

  • Numeric UDF for location start value 
  • Numeric UDF for location end value 
  • Text UDF for Shape Code values 
  • Text UDF for Filter Code value (this field is not a required field, but can also be used) 

Creating a Working Layout 

To create a general purpose layout, assign the above UDF fields as additional columns in any layout. 

  1. In P6 Activity View, Select VIEW > COLUMNS from the menu, or right-click on the column headers and select COLUMNS 
  2. Select all the UDF fields required, and press the right Arrow to include the columns in the layout 
  1. The columns are now available for data entry or modification. 
  2. Any Grouping and Sorting options may be applied 

A sample P6 Layout file LPS_WBS ACTIVITY VIEW.plf is provided in the sample data (HELP > DOWNLOAD SAMPLES within Turbo Chart). Note that the layout may not display the UDF fields as each P6 database has unique ID’s that may not display with the provided layout file. 

Spreadsheet Data Import 

A layout that provides data that can be imported via spreadsheet import requires the following data fields. Note that column headings must be modified to match those required by Turbo Chart: 

Column Heading  P6 Data Field  Data Type 
Name  Activity ID  Text Values 
Description  Activity Name  Text Values 
ShapeCode  P6 UDF for Shapes  Text Values 
FilterCode  P6 UDF for Filters  Text Values 
Start  P6 UDF for Start Position  Numeric Values 
End  P6 UDF for End Position  Numeric Values 
Start Date  Start  Date Format 
Finish Date  Finish  Date Format 

To modify column headings in P6, select the field to modify, then select EDIT COLUMN 

And then enter the New Title required for the column 

Apply to all the required Data Fields 

A sample P6 Layout file LPS_SPREADSHEET IMPORT VIEW.plf is provided in the sample data (HELP > DOWNLOAD SAMPLES within turbo Chart). Note that the layout may not display the UDF fields as each P6 database has unique ID’s that may not display with the provided layout file. 

A Sample Spreadsheet import file (Macro-enabled XLS file) is also provided in the sample data to display the required import columns and headings. 

Once the required headers are provided, data from P6 can be copied and pasted into Turbo-Chart, through the DATA>TASKS “Paste from Clipboard” function. 

Further Help 

Should you need further help regarding Turbo-Chart, we are here to support you! 

Just send an email to support@pmerasupport.com 

For more information, please contact us.