Project Change Management

Project Change Mangement

In the real world, many contracts do not adhere strictly to their original plans established on day one. Change is an inherent aspect of contracts and projects and requires diligent attention to manage effectively.

Most contract claims arise due to inadequacies in the change management process and strategy. PM ERA assists clients in developing a change management plan and implementing a system that spans from the initial change request to its conclusion, which may be a Change Order (CO) or Change Directive (CD).

An efficient change management process can significantly reduce project costs and mitigate claims, a common issue faced by consultants and contractors when there is a lack of effective change management practices. The simplicity and effectiveness of change management depend on the project’s scale. At PM ERA, we specialize in supporting clients in navigating changes within their projects and contracts to achieve their objectives and maximize revenue.

We're here to support you

At PM ERA, we recognize that effective change management is not merely a one-time task but a proactive and strategic process aimed at prevention. Let us equip your project with customized change management solutions that align perfectly with your objectives and financial parameters. Partner with us for a proactive, thorough, and cost-effective approach to ensuring project success.